Since moving to Indiana and getting involved in the arts/artisan markets here, I've noticed a resurgence, and very well supported, movement back to handmade.
Gather Shoppe is one of the latest to join this much welcomed group.
Home Spun: Modern Handmade in Indianapolis, Gather supports artisans through the sale of goods, workshops, and featured shows, for the emerging and established maker.
With humble beginnings, Gather started with
Pop-Up shows titled Gatherings, and keeping with the self-sufficiency movement, Gather opened with a Go Fund Me campaign.
After a successful, and crowded, opening last month, Gather will be hosting it's first feature show titled Home.
Talia Halliday |
From the press release: “The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” - Maya Angelou. This first Group Show at Gather will reach deep within the soul to ponder the meaning of what a home is to the various artists involved. From a bed made from books, to nesting bowls, to resting under leaves... The various modes of home confound and arouse us.
There are nine artists represented in the show:
Katie Vernon, Vincent Desjardins, Joshua Allen, Kim Hahn,
Lisa Wilson,
Beatriz Vasquez, Talia Halliday,
Lori Leaumont, and myself.
Michelle Amos |
Show opens with an artist reception, Friday, October 3, from 5-8pm. Admission is free. Gather is located at 101 W Kirkwood Ave Ste 112, in historic Fountain Square Mall, on the south side of the square in Bloomington, Indiana. They sell the independent work of more than 70 artists, crafters, and makers from the Midwest and beyond. The work in the store ranges from handcrafted jewelry to bath and body, kids' toys, clothing, woodworking, illustration, knitted/crocheted work, and more. Can't make the opening? Shop hours: W-F noon - 5pm; Sat 10am-5pm; Sun noon - 4pm Phone: 812-785-1400